
I’m launching a new blog

Note: I’m not giving up Modite / Career and Life Advice. I’m simply establishing an additional blog. Read on for more details.

I studied design in college. God only knows why. I arrived at school ready to study journalism only to find myself bored. And subsequently confused. I decided to visit the career advisors.

“You don’t need a journalism degree to be a journalist,” said the journalism advisor.

“We need you,” said the design advisor.

And so I made a decision.

I studied art and photography in high school and thought it would be a good foundation for entering design. But I didn’t expect the utter heartbreak that comes with being pushed to the edge of your ability.

Specifically, I remember one of the first assignments to design and build a model of a museum. The day before it was due, I spent the night with white cardboard scraps like snow on the floor, crying in despair.

Design was never easy for me.

And while I was generally at the top of my class, I longed to be as talented as the students at RISD (Rhode Island School of Design). I wanted to be a genius. And perhaps because I wasn’t, I didn’t pursue it much out of school.

And while my design degree didn’t provide obvious practical skills, my experience was a complete confirmation and expansion of how I viewed the world. That is, I am someone who sees everyone and everything as part of an often bizarre cosmic whole. And it is these ideas that excite, overwhelm, and won’t let go.

Enter modite / character.

It is a design, style and culture blog that will be more of a visual experience of the themes and values that are fun and amusing and important to me. For my own sanity. To nudge past what I thought was the edge in the great big search for meaning.

On the admin side, I’ve migrated the photos that were part of the original Modite site to the new one. It just seems a better fit.

I don’t expect the new blog to be all that useful, but that’s the point. Practicality doesn’t breed innovation. I just want to be more. Welcome to modite / character.

Please visit modite/character to comment and subscribe for new updates.

By Rebecca Healy

My goal is to help you find meaningful work, enjoy the heck out of it, and earn more money.