Generation Y Resource Guides

Resource Guide: Best of Generation Y

Generation Y has always been one of my favorite topics to write about it. This guide provides a good introduction if you’re new to the topic, or some refreshing inspiration if you’re old hat. Each post contains a specific and articulated point of view, and links out to many more pieces of research, essays and ideas. As a generation, we are defining new movements and ideas.

Twenty-two of my favorites:

1. Generation Y is too quiet, too conservative
To light a fire, you have to have conflict, and to have conflict, you have to have an opinion.

2. Women will lead Generation Y – What will men do?
Alpha women are leading Generation Y, possibly at the expense of men.

3. Generation Y doesn’t need a reference
Arguing against the idea of needing a reference from a previous employer to get a job.

4. Back off: Gen Y’s helicopter parents are a good thing
Don’t sensationalize a generally good trend.

5. Generation Y is the ER doctor of generations
Gen Y doesn’t specialize. Is that putting our work at risk?

6. Gen Y women: out of the workplace woods?
Generation Y women are growing up believing they don’t have to worry about sexism, only to be confronted with it head-on in the workplace.

7. No “A for Effort:” How Colleges Fail Generation Y
Education is failing a startling rate. Universities have declining assets, growing liabilities, and only half of teenagers who enroll in college end up with a Bachelor’s degree.

8. Is Gen Y losing religion?
Some people talk about practicing religion a la carte, while others talk about leaving church entirely and finding a new kind of community as a result.

9. 3 workplace weaknesses that are really Gen Y strengths
Revealing our weaknesses as strengths in the new workplace.

10. Is Gen Y teamwork killing creativity?
Gen Y is all about the team, preferring conformity inside the lines over pushing boundaries or ourselves.

11. Gen Y needs boundaries for action
The consequences of our aimless wandering delay adulthood, but also our chance at genuine happiness.

12. The rising rift between Gen X and Gen Y
Controversial post on the differences between the X and Y generations.

13. Gen Y to cities: Don’t ignore us
Gen Y should be of the utmost priority for cities since we are uniquely positioned to stimulate economic development.

14. Will Gen Y ruin local community?
Young people have the best intentions to be part of the communities we live in, but we’re being challenged by a number of conflicting events that contribute to a lack of involvement in local community.

15. Why Generation Y should job-hop, even in the recession
Four ways to feel secure in today’s economy.

16. 7 concessions and a challenge to Gen Y naysayers
Conceding that we don’t know it all, and asking how to create meaningful interactions between generations.

17. Why Gen Y should talk about politics at work
Taboo topics are quickly becoming acceptable as part of Generation Y’s demand for authenticity and transparency. Except, maybe, for politics.

18. What Generation Y Fears the Most
Entering the workforce only furthers the distance between us and the issues that matter.

19. Generation Y breeds a new kind of woman
Women need men. Just not like we used to.

20. The real Generation Y work ethic
Gen Y is working hard, contrary to popular belief.

21. Dissent in the Gen Y ranks – family or career?
Arguing against the idea that a family holds you back from career success.

22. What it means to be a Gen Y leader
One of my first posts that started it all….

Keep Reading:
Visit more than 400 of the best links on Generation Y from around the web >
Curated by yours truly.

Favorite Gen Y Bloggers
These people make me think or laugh. Sometimes both.

I hope you enjoy this resource! Feel free to leave your favorite links on Generation Y in the comments as you come across them. Resource guides will be available permanently on the sidebar.