Trying out something new…
AGREE: And by “My feelings are hurt,” I mean “You’re a loser”, @mckinneyos
AGREE: Gen Y Says: “I want my Social TV!”, @readwriteweb
DISAGREE: Don’t underestimate the power of authenticity, @jamievaron
Trying out something new…
AGREE: And by “My feelings are hurt,” I mean “You’re a loser”, @mckinneyos
AGREE: Gen Y Says: “I want my Social TV!”, @readwriteweb
DISAGREE: Don’t underestimate the power of authenticity, @jamievaron
Here’s a weekly round-up of my Alice blog that is about quirky and practical advice for your life and home…
I’ve been searching for a coffee table for nine months.
I don’t hand-wash dishes. Do you?
Miss my Modite posts? Join this discussion:
During recession, consumers opt for value and family time over shopping
Rubber duckies that actually squeak.
Taking a cold shower is better than coffee.
How soon will you get a cool Alice box? – Update on the Alice beta
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