Inspiration Self-management

Are you ready for success?

Success is like a game of dominoes. Don’t go after it unless you’re ready, because it tends to fall into place all at once.

This post is a tribute to Devin Reams,, and to Hercules, who only reads the highlighted parts of my blog.

Domino effect.

By Rebecca Healy

My goal is to help you find meaningful work, enjoy the heck out of it, and earn more money.

8 replies on “Are you ready for success?”

I do agree with the idea that there is a time to sow and a time to reap. A study of pentamillionaires recently showed that most of them reported that after working years with no results, their success came all at one time. Good quote!

I generally read your whole posts but I do love the highlighted portions as well it’s a great visual way to keep with the intention of your writing.

If success is a game of dominoes that would imply that you can just as easily mess it all up with one quick fall back. I think of success more in terms of building blocks, you can build and rebuild as many times as you want to create different outcomes.

@ Ralph – While I’m no “pentamillionaire,” I’ve had a similar experience. After a couple of years of working, everything seems to be falling into place all at once – it’s great, but overwhelming at the same time. I keep stepping back to evaluate everything. Thanks for sharing the study!

@ Elysa – glad you read the full posts. I just wanted to do something short, because I’ve been called long-winded ;) I think building blocks and dominoes are similar analogies, because you can always reset the dominoes into different configurations and paths. But we all need the metaphors and similes that work for us :)

Why don’t you publish full feeds? Is it to direct people towards the highlighting? If it’s about influence, you’ll reach a larger audience and facilitate the sharing of ideas further by ceding a little bit of control.

are you saying, “careful what you wish for”…? cause that can ring true, yea.

but if you’re vying for ‘success’ and actively in the process, why wouldn’t you be prepared for what follows? you’d have to be quite the dunce to try try try then fall to pieces when it’s there there there.

apologies to dunces. just a comment. but i guess when you’re looking for success in anything, it’s helpful to not be faking it.

“It’s only when the tide goes out that you learn who’s been swimming naked.” – Warren Buffett.

@ Ryan – Honestly? Because I don’t know how to do that, and haven’t taken the time to learn… I agree. Ceding control is always helpful in gaining more influence ;)

@ t h rive – I think the idea is that it can be overwhelming, and it is a transition, especially when you’ve been a certain mode for so long. The road to success doesn’t end. I admit that personally, it’s been a challenge to take on my new position and the success of my blog. It’s a positive for me, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not difficult. The amount of time, and managing new expectations and constraints, etc. .. well, there is a learning curve. It’s darn exciting though, for sure.

@ Devin – But of course :)

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