Generation Y Workplace

Three workplace weaknesses that are really Gen Y strengths

When asked in an interview, “What do you think are your greatest strengths? Weaknesses?,” I always find it difficult to answer because I feel my strengths and weaknesses are intrinsically linked. Generation Y has three such instances where our perceived weakness are really our strengths:

1) Selfishly entitled. Guilty. Generation Y believes that we deserve everything the world has to offer. And we do. Paying dues when we enter the workforce is a joke. Not only have we already paid dues in high school by working harder to advance our standing in college, but we then work even harder in college to get ahead once we dive into the real world.

We’ve worked hard. We’re willing to work harder. We deserve success.

Being entitled allows Generation Y to avoid much of the stress and aggravation that comes along with the responsibility of making a difference and moving up the career ladder. We take care of ourselves through exercise, travel, socializing and volunteering in order to do the best job possible. We’re more productive and happy that way.

We want access to opportunities. We spell it out. We make it clear about what we need to succeed. We’re the best girlfriend a company can have; we never make you guess what we’re feeling.

2) Impatience. Impatience is a virtue. Trust me. When I’m stuck on a charter bus full of strangers and have to pee really bad and have successfully made it through my entire life never having used a public bus restroom, I am grateful for the impatience the bus driver shows in navigating as quickly as possible through rush hour traffic. I adore him for it, in fact.

We need a sense of urgency and impatience to solve some of the world’s biggest problems within the next few decades. Fundraisers have spent entire careers trying to figure out how to instill this very sense into potential donors to empower action. Now here comes Generation Y, urgency coursing through our blood. No waiting here. We’re ready to get things done. Just show us how, or let us take the reins.

3) Commitment-phobia. Our lack of loyalty has made employers mad. They have a generally negative view of us, in fact, believing the only thing we’re good for is fixing the faulty computer. Employers invest in our talent and potential and we usually quit on them within two years of starting.

From their viewpoint, Generation Y looks a lot like their 28-year-old son who refuses to make a commitment to a girl, any girl, and settle down already. Employers are dying for a marriage between themselves and Generation Y.

Alas, Generation Y is skeptical of marriage. Our parents have the highest divorce rate out of any generation. After observing such rifts, we want to get it right. We want to avoid the divorces of workplace layoffs, scandal and general all around crap.

For Generation Y, commitment-phobia is more about being realistic about a situation than the lack of desire to work or be loyal. We don’t see the point in staying in a relationship that isn’t mutually beneficial. We’re practical about the extent of our abilities and reach. Millennials approach projects with an attainable goal within reach. There is no long-term commitment, but rather we’re involved with the project to achieve that goal, and don’t find it necessary to stretch it out further.

Just that good.

By Rebecca Healy

My goal is to help you find meaningful work, enjoy the heck out of it, and earn more money.

24 replies on “Three workplace weaknesses that are really Gen Y strengths”

[…] Instead, I blame myself for getting caught up in “everyone’s” opinion, for becoming so self-absorbed that I thought I was a BIG DEAL, and not remembering the big picture. Not remembering starvation in Africa and lack of quality education in the U.S. and the fact that we’re all just doing the best we can. […]

I totally 100% agree :)

I think the urgency you mentioned is more core – for instance – how fast can the organization move to solve an organizational level problem. (Not the other kind of urgency, which is rushing around putting out fires or made-up urgency to appear busy or efficient.)

And… we like to be ourselves at the job. Which means feelings, moods, opinions, whatever I happen to want to wear that day, and whatever time I want to take lunch… or work late into the night. Micromanaging simply will not work anymore.

Entitlement, I think, is one of the best traits we have.

Awesome job spelling it all out. :)

[…] I am however happy to see that there are people out there that think just like me. Rebecca Thorman at Modite, wrote a post called Three workplace weaknesses that are really Gen Y strenghts. Finally some sanity!! Why should I feel bad that I am impatient, feel entitled to a promotion and don’t feel any particular loyalty to my employer? These are the same qualities that got me this job in the first place. […]

[…] But here’s what you may not know: we don’t job hop for shits and giggles and many of us would love to stick with one employer. Our moving about is a response to the lack of stability and loyalty we see in the workplace. The people who commented above may see a well qualified candidate recently laid off from the for-profit sector. I see someone who probably put in years at a company only to be let go as if his/her work didn’t mean a damn thing. In other words, loyalty is a two way street and our workplace expectations promote stability and benefit everyone else we work with. […]

[…] Where is it? What time does it start? Are we going to get there late? Do we have to pay a cover? Will I have to walk in heels? I don’t have a cute outfit without heels. It’s going to be cold outside. Will I have to stand at the concert and carry my coat? Will it be hot? Will there be a lot of people? Are the people going be younger than me? Will they be boring? Will the band be good? Who’s going with? Are we going to get drinks after? Will the restrooms be clean? I can’t stand public restrooms. […]

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