Generation Y Resource Guides

Resource Guide: Best of Generation Y

Generation Y has always been one of my favorite topics to write about it. This guide provides a good introduction if you’re new to the topic, or some refreshing inspiration if you’re old hat. Each post contains a specific and articulated point of view, and links out to many more pieces of research, essays and ideas. As a generation, we are defining new movements and ideas.

Twenty-two of my favorites:

1. Generation Y is too quiet, too conservative
To light a fire, you have to have conflict, and to have conflict, you have to have an opinion.

2. Women will lead Generation Y – What will men do?
Alpha women are leading Generation Y, possibly at the expense of men.

3. Generation Y doesn’t need a reference
Arguing against the idea of needing a reference from a previous employer to get a job.

4. Back off: Gen Y’s helicopter parents are a good thing
Don’t sensationalize a generally good trend.

5. Generation Y is the ER doctor of generations
Gen Y doesn’t specialize. Is that putting our work at risk?

6. Gen Y women: out of the workplace woods?
Generation Y women are growing up believing they don’t have to worry about sexism, only to be confronted with it head-on in the workplace.

7. No “A for Effort:” How Colleges Fail Generation Y
Education is failing a startling rate. Universities have declining assets, growing liabilities, and only half of teenagers who enroll in college end up with a Bachelor’s degree.

8. Is Gen Y losing religion?
Some people talk about practicing religion a la carte, while others talk about leaving church entirely and finding a new kind of community as a result.

9. 3 workplace weaknesses that are really Gen Y strengths
Revealing our weaknesses as strengths in the new workplace.

10. Is Gen Y teamwork killing creativity?
Gen Y is all about the team, preferring conformity inside the lines over pushing boundaries or ourselves.

11. Gen Y needs boundaries for action
The consequences of our aimless wandering delay adulthood, but also our chance at genuine happiness.

12. The rising rift between Gen X and Gen Y
Controversial post on the differences between the X and Y generations.

13. Gen Y to cities: Don’t ignore us
Gen Y should be of the utmost priority for cities since we are uniquely positioned to stimulate economic development.

14. Will Gen Y ruin local community?
Young people have the best intentions to be part of the communities we live in, but we’re being challenged by a number of conflicting events that contribute to a lack of involvement in local community.

15. Why Generation Y should job-hop, even in the recession
Four ways to feel secure in today’s economy.

16. 7 concessions and a challenge to Gen Y naysayers
Conceding that we don’t know it all, and asking how to create meaningful interactions between generations.

17. Why Gen Y should talk about politics at work
Taboo topics are quickly becoming acceptable as part of Generation Y’s demand for authenticity and transparency. Except, maybe, for politics.

18. What Generation Y Fears the Most
Entering the workforce only furthers the distance between us and the issues that matter.

19. Generation Y breeds a new kind of woman
Women need men. Just not like we used to.

20. The real Generation Y work ethic
Gen Y is working hard, contrary to popular belief.

21. Dissent in the Gen Y ranks – family or career?
Arguing against the idea that a family holds you back from career success.

22. What it means to be a Gen Y leader
One of my first posts that started it all….

Keep Reading:
Visit more than 400 of the best links on Generation Y from around the web >
Curated by yours truly.

Favorite Gen Y Bloggers
These people make me think or laugh. Sometimes both.

I hope you enjoy this resource! Feel free to leave your favorite links on Generation Y in the comments as you come across them. Resource guides will be available permanently on the sidebar.

By Rebecca Healy

My goal is to help you find meaningful work, enjoy the heck out of it, and earn more money.

9 replies on “Resource Guide: Best of Generation Y”

Nice post – and thanks for the link. I’m not as active in the Gen y blogosphere as I used to be — my time has been consumed by trying to keep up with politics and policy blogs — but I always kept up with your blog! I love that Modite has always been interesting, smart, well-researched, and a great resource — makes this blog so valuable among all the other “gen y” blogs out there!

Thanks for the mention Rebecca. You forgot to say that I also you make you mad, and that we fight each other all the time.

While I don’t consider myself a Gen Y blogger, the reality is that I’m a good example of it. There’s definitely some brilliant future hidden there.

PS: While we disagree often and passionately, I have nothing but respect for your work. Keep it up.

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