Free Idea Friday

Create Your Own To-Do App

I like ideas. Others might say I need focus. So, here are some old ones cluttering my head. Ideas are free. Execution isn’t. Take my idea, let it live long and prosper in your capable hands. Tell me when you’ve brought it to fruition. I’ll be the first to promote it.

Productivity systems are incredibly personal. What works for one person might work for another… if only it was tweaked a bit. Create a platform that allows the user to pull together different modules to create their perfect to-do app.

Much in the same way bloggers add widgets to their sites, to-do app users could easily add modules like “Weekly Lists,” “Goals,” and “Next Week’s Tasks” in a proprietary editor to create their custom productivity app. One user might create an app as simple as Teux Deux or as intricate as Remember the Milk. You could allow users to share their designs and templates in a library for others as well.

Yeah? What do you think? I would totally use this. Someone create it for me, please. Right now I use a mash-up of Google Spreadsheets. It’s a clunker that works, but ain’t so pretty.  How do you list to-dos?

By Rebecca Healy

My goal is to help you find meaningful work, enjoy the heck out of it, and earn more money.

7 replies on “Create Your Own To-Do App”

Rebecca– are you inside by BRAIN?! I’ve been talking about this a LOT lately! Such a great idea, and yes, to-do apps are highly personal. I have tried RTM and teux-deux and about a million others… they’re all ALMOST what i need… :)

Rebecca – have you heard of SpringPad? It is like Evernote meets an awesome To Do List. I have just set one up for myself this week. I keep anything and everything there. It has web clipping and saving and tagging, but also Tasks, Task lists, and “Apps” which are various groupings of anything – events, websites, products (like the car you are saving up for). I have a Task Manager “App” with a tab for each category of To Do and a list of tasks below it…a custom to do app! There are alerts, timers, events, and notes you can add to any component. There is also an app for iPhone/Android for checking off the To Dos. You can even share your to dos or apps with other users – so it can even manage basic group project management.

Here is a link that describes it from LifeHacker

Hope this is what you are looking for.

@ Carley – isn’t that frustrating? Teux Deux is really close to what I want, but I wish it had the ability to separate the tasks into different categories. Someday!

@ Chloe – Thanks for the heads up! I don’t really need a clipping service and am a heavy Delcious user for bookmarking/tagging, but this looks cool anyway. It’s complicated for me in terms of task management, but I’ll definitely keep my eye on it.

Haven’t heard from you in a long time. Personally, I don’t believe in the effectiveness of any remotely electronic todo lists, as you can easily add too many mission-critical items in one day. I like to manually write the needed tasks to be completed on a small piece of paper (no more than 3 tasks on a sheet). That way, I can focus on completing the tasks without feeling bad about myself. Have a great weekend.

Hey Rebecca!

I’ve been toying with an idea for something like this for a couple years now. Only… my idea goes way above and beyond a simple, personal to-do list. It’s big enough that it’s really intimidating. But since I now know there would be a market for it, maybe it’s time to get over that and start coding :)

I use OneNote for my to-do list. It does not do the categorization by date for you, it just lets you create differ sections and have pages in various section.
It has a specific section where you can add “Unfiled Notes,” I usually create a my to-do list in that for the day.

I also use Microsoft Calendar for time specific things, so I can get message 15 mins before the event.

For me, a To-do list has to be a desktop application, rather than a web application, so I can use it even when i am not online.

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