Character Good Reads

Her Fearful Symmetry



I wanted to read Her Fearful Symmetry because I loved The Time Traveler’s Wife so much, both novels written by Audrey Niffenegger.

While I agree with some of the critics that said the plot and plausability was a bit thin in areas, and I wanted to know some of the characters more, I did find Niffenegger’s signature style – which I can only describe as a wall, and behind that wall a constant ache in the corner of your heart no matter your mood – still in tact. And that is what I craved from Nieffenegger and her second novel, so I was ultimately satisfied.

The story is about ghosts and has quite a bit of the supernatural, which I was expecting to find trite, if not downright tasteless, but I think Nieffengger’s treatment of these ideas was well done. It is so difficult to follow such a triumph and commercial success such as The Time Traveler’s Wife so I am really looking forward to Nieffenger’s next novel, which I expect won’t feel the pressure that Her Fearful Symmetry has. Have you read either book? What’d you think?

By Rebecca Healy

My goal is to help you find meaningful work, enjoy the heck out of it, and earn more money.

2 replies on “Her Fearful Symmetry”

I adored both books but I struggled to get past my initials desires for more of Henry and Claire. I should mention that because of The Time Traveler’s Wife, B’s wedding vows included a promise to not time travel. Now I appreciate the differences between the novels and that she did not try to just recreate what was previously successful.

I read both books – but read the Time Travelers Wife years ago and likes it better. Her Fearful Symmetry, like Time Travelers Wife, had the same unique writing style (which I love) and always leaves me aching for the book to be longer / I want to read more. One of the rare authors that can write well about “supernatural” without turning the books into a commercial, mass marketing driven “VAMPIRE” like series (like a Twilight). I appreciate that.

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